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Nice Weekend

Oughhh.. like usual, I always take a minutes to blogging here,, on my posting today, I wanna tell you guys bout my weekend.. yup, 16-17-18-19 January 2010..
I attended the 12th LCC IAAS LC UNPAD,, as the participant there. I really excited to join that, coz I think, im gonna have fun there, vacation., and bla bla.. (hedonism),, and what a shocking day! it was a MUBES! a.k.a Musyawarah Besar to elect the new leader of IAAS,, i know that stuff, but I didn't think that the LCC gonna be so serious,, argh,, it was too far from my expectation.. But, it's alright.. my friend Rahyang RPN won the election, and he become an EC now.. Congrats then.

After the LCC, we went to the Camp,, and had planning to stayed for a nite. I got much more fun there,, we were getting crazy there! hell yeah! and I know more people than before,, that was a great event I guess.. Kita ampe begadang begadang disana,, maen kartu, lomba masak, hina hinaan, ama tidur seranjang rame2 dah kyk ikan asin dijemur.. over all,, that was .. pretty cool
Last nite, we had a corn party.. haha., ada Ovin, Hingdri, Ica, Rahyang, Irham, dan Dede.. Cewek semua tuh. dan disaat kita sedang asik2 bakar2an diatas, c Rahjang malah nonton opera.. haha.. lalu kita minum coklat buatan gw yang rasanya entahlah seperti apa itu,, wkwkwk,, hingga akhirnya kita malah ngomongin hal2 berat dan bikin otak mikir,, padahal kan pengen ngerefresh otak! hahah,, and the nite has an end.. pulanglah mereka sekitar jam 00.30,, buset dah pokonya,,
Im going home!! bentarab lagi gw mau mudik buat liburan! whoohoo.. hevanlah entar! walopun dirumah gw kgk ada koneksi internet! tapi gapapalah,, hahaha..
segitu dulu pemberitaan dari gw,, c u on the next month gals!


  1. kgk ada koneksi? jadi ga ngeblog dong kalo balik?

  2. iya,, kagak,, hoho..
    kan komputernya rusak, dan sang ayah enggan membelikan daku modem.. jadilah, kalo dkosan doang.. makanya sayah betah sekali disini.. huehehe

  3. hihihi, itu yg sengaha ayah hindari, kalo dikasih modem jadi ga mau balik ke bdg kuliah dong :D


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