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120 thing about me

Gw adalah pembaca yang bisa dikatakan cepat, karena biasanya gw kalo baca itu langsung nangkep isinya, tapi payahnya, gw jarang inget yang berhubungan dengan sumber, tanggal, dan nama. Jadi biasanya gw kalo komen sama orang2 kadang ga enak, soalnya gw berargumen suka lupa sumbernya.. "gw pernah baca katanya bla bla bla.. dan gw lupa sumbernya.." dan sekarang, gw mau nulis segala tentang 4 hal, tapi gw lupa barusan gw blogwalking darimana ==' maap yaah ini kalo nanti ada yang baca, terus inget ama sumbernya, komen aja *seakan-akan semua umat baca blog gw.. kwkwkwk*
dari sini nih, tadi gugling here


(001) Your gender:whatever you want :p
(002) Straight/gay/bi?:I LOVE MEN!
(003) Single?:ummm.. available *lalu digeplak irjam
(004) Want to be?:extraordinary
(005) Age?:about 20's
(006) Age you wish you were?:17 agaiiinnn
(007) Your label?:biaattccch
(008) Your height?:secret :p
(009) Your eye color?:colorful as rainbow :D
(010) Any piercings?:hell sure!
(011) Any tattoos?:nope,

(012) Smoke:ewww
(013) Drink:want to try someday, an expensive one :P
(014) Do drugs:no maag dan alergi :D
(015) Read the newspaper:only in saturday
(016) Talk to strangers who IM you:no way
(017) Like to walk in the leaves:for sure!
(018) Take walks in the rain:umm, if I wanted to
(019) Drive:never worked, hha
(020) Like to drive fast?:no hell way, I still wanna live.
(021) Hurt yourself:never, I love my self than anything in the world :p
(022) Have a job:what's wrong with you?? *sentimennnn
(023) Like who you are:Arale -,-
(024) Consider love a mistake:mmmm, so far it's a miracle :D
(025) Base your judgement on looks alone:Stupid --,
(026) Do you like/love someone?:yeahh, everyone, my parents, brosis, bf :D

(027) Been caught doing some thing your weren't supposed to be doing?:yup, nyabutin bulu ketek, huahuahuahu
(028) Been in love:everytime I look at you.. lalalala
(029) Done drugs:nope
(030) Gone skinny dipping:want to try! haha
(031) Had a surgery:nope, don't
(032) Ran away from home:neveerrr, I'm a good girl for sure
(033) Played strip poker:nopeee
(034) Gotten beat up:neveer :p
(035) Been on stage:yup, dancing, a stupid school dancing, XD
(036) Slept outdoors:yup, school camping, on hills
(037) Pulled an all-nighter:yup, if I had a task, or I want to watch movies till dawn :D
(038) Talked on the phone all night:yup, pas gw alay, dan paket murah. haha
(039) Had an X-ray:never
(040) Had detention:??
(041) Been suspended:no. I told you I'm a good girl
(042) Been Expelled:ewww. no!
(043) Slept all day:of course! haha
(044) Killed someone:no. never want to, maybe later :p
(045) Made out with a stranger:noo way
(046) Had sex with a stranger?:ewww?
(047) Kissed the same sex:my mom :D
(048) Done anything sexual with the same sex?errrrr
(049) Been betrayed:yup, that was hurt, bitch
(050) Broken the law:yup, stealing on market! haha
(051) Been arrested:never, no
(052) Been on radio/TV:hell! no.. :(
(053) Been in a mosh-pit:avoiding it
(054) Had a nervous breakdown:mmmm nanti di pelaminan :p
(055) Been criticized about your sexual performance:never do that :p
(056) Had a dream that kept coming back:yup, eruption. It freaked me out!
(057) Seen your favorite band play:of course! mocca :D *for free, haha
(058) Owned a pair of big sunglasses:yuhuuu, big as bug!
(059) Worn a huge hat:when I go to beach :D
(060) Judged other people by their clothing:sometimes, especially boyband who looked like shemale XD
(061) Been told you have good taste:countless, haha
(062) Been romantically attracted to someone and physically unattracted?:ummmm...
(063) Been used?:yup, I hate that
(064) Been in an abusive relationship?:nope

(065) Life on other planets:sure yeah, MIB, right? :p
(066) Miracles:I believe in God
(067) Astrology:nopeeeeee
(068) Magic:nopeeee
(069) God:100%
(070) The Devil:yeah, they're all around us, right?
(071) True Love:depending on..
(072) Ghosts:umm, 50:50
(073) Rebirth:nope
(074) Love at first sight:no such thing like that
(075) Ying and Yang?:about balance, yeah
(076) Witches:nooo
(077) The Easter Bunny:nope
(078) Santa Clause:only in your dream

(079) That you laughed at:my older sister, she's funny =))
(080) That laughed at you:my mom :|
(081) That hurt you:nobody, I guess
(081) That turned you on:?? semacam Hugh Jackman? kwkw,um, someone smart :D
(082) That kissed you:irjaaammm
(083) That hugged you:ms. atikaa, on our graduation, gosh, I need a hug :(
(084) That you went shopping with :my sister
(085) To disappoint you:employers :p
(086) That made you cry:my.. um.. it was you!
(087) That brightened up your day:my bestfriend
(088) You saw a movie with:dede and irjam
(089) You talked to on the phone:employers *sungguh suram ya*
(090) You talked to on text message:irjaaam
(091) You to on IM:irjaaaam
(092) That made you smile:irjaaam
(093) That made you laugh:irjam when talk about the power of.. haha
(094) That saw you cry:sister, watching bollywood scene. wkkw
(095) That bought you something:kakak ipaarrr
(096) That danced with you:can't remember
(097) That you have a crush on:secret!

The Whats...
(098) What do you find romantic?:on someone attitude, a gentleman :)
(099) What are your turn-on's?:?
(100) What are your turn-off's?:smoke
(101) What is best about the opposite sex?:trustable
(102) What is best about the same sex?:I can share anything :D
(103) What is the last present someone got you?:chocolate?
(104) What makes you happy?:when all around me happy to be with me
(105) What is your B-day?:-,-
(106) What is your favorite movie?:500 days of summer
(107) What is your favorite band?:belle & sebastian
(108) What is your favorite type of movie?:drama
(109) What is your favorite season?:summer! yeaah
(110) What is your favorite month?:june, it's my day, it's summertime!
(111) What is your favorite Holiday?:christmas, I love the movies on tv :D
(112) What is your favorite language?:INDONESIA
(113) What is your favorite thing to do:being around with them who love me
(114) What is your favorite color(s)?:RED

The Who's...
(115) Your best friend(s):Fersit, Cadut
(116) The one person you can trust with any thing?:My sister
(117) Your favorite singer?:john mayer, absolutely
(118) Your favorite Actor?:unspecified, but maybe hugh jackman :D
(119) Your favorite Actress?:emma stone, stunning!
(120) Your favorite President?:Ir. SOEKARNO


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