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Missing my fellassss....

Garut, 23 September 2009
Ouuw yeahh.. ni blog ditulis tanggal segituu.. dan di publish sekarang.. 27 September 2009,. Here we go..
Lebaran dah lewat 3 hari kemaren,, en,, it should be a beautiful moment,, but none to me.. It such an ordinary stuff you know,, suck!
Annndd.. forget bout that, know I’m looking at the photos of mine and friends.. Gosh, it was so cute and happy face on all! Now 10.27 PM.. and I still working on my tasks,, To end boringness, I looking this pictures, and feeling so.. MISSING THEM! Hahaha… it’s hard to confess that I really really really misses them all! When we celebrated new year at POMA boarding house! When we hangout to Bandung, spent our money for nothing! Hahah,, nope, but for priceless experience.. when we spent our vacation on Dede’s village.. IBUN! Which unlisted on map! (It’s true,., google earth doesn’t show that village!) Hahaha.. Vacation on my home.. GARUT! The most beautiful, peaceful town, full of nice and kind people.. Ah, it such a long long time ago.. Looking pictures when we were go to the beach.. and, we canceled to slept there, coz the rumor about short semester register.. Damn! It was shocking us that time.. Remember when we ate super duper meatball,, and hey! Did you remember when we were all walking trough the long long street to found meatball?? Haha.. Ridiculous! Then I and Irham turned back to took a car.. Hahaha.. How stupid I was that time!
When we PLENOS every week, ah, there are so much sweet experiences with you guys.. and now I’m missing you so much.. huhuuu,, I miss to playing UNO with you, yelling on street, taking photos in every places we visit, juicing some gossips, studied till dawn, arrrghhh.. I’m gonna miss those every little things we did together.. I can’t imagine my future life WITHOUT you guys,, haaa,, I could just cry right know for imagining that..

Ni waktu kita jalan kaki yang jauh bangedddd...

Ni waktu di desanya si Dedek bahar yang kgk ada d map! HAHAHHAA

dan ini waktu kmaren ke pantai Pamempeuk d Garut yang amat indah itu lohh..

A week without you, just like a year! And how could I live without you forever maybe?? Oh no! It’ll like the end of the world to me.. (Lebay mode : Very ON!)
Here I wrote one of my fave songs lyric.. it’s all bout friendship..
We never change

I wanna live life
And never be cruel
And I wanna live life
And be good to you

And I wanna fly
And never come down
And live my life
And have friends around

We never change, do we?
No, no
We never learn, do we?

So, I wanna live in a wooden house
I wanna live life
And always be true
I wanna live life
And be good to you

I wanna fly
And never come down
And live my life
And have friends around

We never change, do we?
No, no
We never learn, do we?

So, I wanna live in a wooden house
And making more friends
Would be easy

Oh, and I don't have a song to sing
Yes, and I sin every single day

We never change, do we?
We never learn, do we?

So, I wanna live in a wooden house
And making more friends would be easy

I wanna live where the sun comes out

Huhu,. It’s true babe..
And one more..
Barry Manillow with Can’t Smile Without You

You know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm findin' it hard to do anything

You see I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
If you only knew what I'm goin' through
I just can't smile without you

You came along just like a song
And brightened my day
Who'da believed that you were part of a dream?
Now it all seems light years away

And now you know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm findin' it hard to do anything

You see, I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
If you only knew what I'm goin' through
I just can't smile without you

Now some people say happiness takes so very long to find
Well I'm finding it hard leavin' your love behind me

And you see I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm findin' it hard to do anything

You see I feel glad when you're glad
I feel sad when you're sad
If you only knew what I'm goin' through
I just can't smile without you...
What a song!! Hahah,, I’m so mellow right know.. Guys, I hope we can stand together, keep safe our belonging feeling.. Nothing can separate us! I believe in us,, coz you and me are build to last.. (so Melee.. hahah) and one thing you should know that I never ever regret what we did together, on bad or good, I always be around.. You know what, God made a special creature living things for me.. just a lucky person who can get that. And I called it FRIENDS.. Hahhayyy.. So lebay!
Let’s change the topic!
For your information! I’m attacking by stomach! A.k.a menwa Rahyang said.. From Lebaran ‘till now, I can’t stop my excretion! Why?? Because, four days long, I was ate meatball again and again.. Arrgghh, it’s hurting me! 10 times a day or more, I run to bathroom! And I lost my weight! Haha,, hooray and praised for that! But I’m not good! Doctor said, absorption on my colon are not doing well, so food and my liquid are flew again and again trough my stomach! Damnnnn….
I can’t eat hot and pepper food, cold drinks, and coffee! Can’t you imagine that! I can’t live without that!
Teruss, selama liburan ini, gw kagak maen kemana-mana., Cuma buang buang duit tama sii Fero alias Nyai ronggeng buat makan-makan,, terus tadi ada Edi maen-maen ke rumah makan-makan lagi.. udah deh! Ngebosenin banged gag siihh idup loooo?? Hahaha.. that’s why I want back to nangor soon! Even if other doesn’t.. But I want.. My life’s there.. ahaha.. Ngumpul ama anak2 SMA susah! Jadinya malah ngumpul ama temen-temen les deh di Bandung itu juga.. mangkanya.. pengen cepetan balik dehh..
Saking gag ada gawenya, gw akhirnya ngedit poto2 gw ama anak2.. Here it is.. You can take a look.. ahahha.. I’ll become an expert one day! Amin!

By the way, gw kudu bikin tugas segabrek dulu nii.. haahaha...


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