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Showing posts from September, 2009

Missing my fellassss....

Garut, 23 September 2009 Ouuw yeahh.. ni blog ditulis tanggal segituu.. dan di publish sekarang.. 27 September 2009,. Here we go.. Lebaran dah lewat 3 hari kemaren,, en,, it should be a beautiful moment,, but none to me.. It such an ordinary stuff you know,, suck! Annndd.. forget bout that, know I’m looking at the photos of mine and friends.. Gosh, it was so cute and happy face on all! Now 10.27 PM.. and I still working on my tasks,, To end boringness, I looking this pictures, and feeling so.. MISSING THEM! Hahaha… it’s hard to confess that I really really really misses them all! When we celebrated new year at POMA boarding house! When we hangout to Bandung, spent our money for nothing! Hahah,, nope, but for priceless experience.. when we spent our vacation on Dede’s village.. IBUN! Which unlisted on map! (It’s true,., google earth doesn’t show that village!) Hahaha.. Vacation on my home.. GARUT! The most beautiful, peaceful town, full of nice and kind people.. Ah, it such a long long ...

Secretary Job

Whoohoo!! Wadda day! From the sunrise till sunset, I was work on out! I've selected for being a secretary on my HIMA.. Gosh, I thought it would be as easy as I think.. But it was not! First, I've to prepare many stuff for meeting, like absent, meeting report, timeline, so on and so on and so.. Haahha.. I helped with other secretary in case, that she is my maid named Chaca! (piss dut...). As a good secretary, I've to come on time, and made no mistake! But wadd an eye! I was so sleepy that time coz I haven't sleep last nite coz I was online all nite long.. Haha,, so ironi huh? I'm a big girl now yeah! Today, I met for Rakerta or "Rapat Kerja Tahunan" that means, every departement of HIMA must presentation for their Work Programme, and guess, we have 11 departement that must show today! And every departement have 20 minutes or more to presented their work! Waddaf*ck!! But, lucky me, I didn't have to write every single word of what their spoke.. That was C...

Introducing but it's late!

Hello.. My name is Nisca Astrid Indrawati, my friends calls me nonoz,, I'm 20 years old, now I'm studying at Padjadjaran University for Plant Breeding study, and you should know that I'm a lovable, kind, friendly, and cute person.. Hahaha..! ciao!

Crazy on google earth!

OMG!! It's been so long that I haven't play on google earth! And, at this noon, me and my silly friends were looking at that, and getting crazy with the amazing views of Bandung and other city! And now, I'm uploading many pictures in many places, that people can see my pictures anywhere! Hahaha.. Wadda fool, huh! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,.. I dunno how to stop! My university on googearth view. Do you see "U N P A D " Letter on that Pict? yeah,

Mandi Malem!

Kisah ini diceritakan saat gw mengalami flu yang aneh, dan bikin idung gw meler ngluarin cairan bening tiap malem! Dank! Jadi, pada suatu hari, saat gw baru balik dari buka puasa bareng anak2 sekelas kampus gw, kan gerah banged tu! Then I decided to take a shower that nite.. And, pas udah selese, SEGER si seger! Tapi beberapa saat kemudian gw bersin2 dan ingusaannn! Damnnn.. Whadda day! Malem itu gw abisin dengan bersin2 all nite long dan buang2 ingusss.. Ampe tisu gw abiss.. Nah, nite after, persis dengan keadaan yang sama, abis buka puasa bareng anak2 organisasi gw, gw dengan pedenya masak aer panas buat mandi malem lagi. Waktu saat itu menunjukkan pukul 10 PM.. And, whadda fool, gw keramas! Dan pas gw dah selese mandi,, meneteslah setitik cairan bening yang keluar dari idung gw tanpa gw sadarin.. Dankkkkk! Bagus banged! Udah gitu tenggorokan gw jadi kering.. Idung gw jadi kering en perih gara-gara sering kena tissuu.. ya ampunn.. gag lagi2 deh gw mandi maleee... ntar gw mandi kemban...


Akhirnyaaaaaaaaaaa...!! Stelah sekian lama gak ngumpul barengg.. KsC makan-makan juga pas Ramadhan sekarang.. Seneng bangeddd! Walopun yang dateng gag komplit semua, tapi seengganya 50% an anggotanya hadir! Hooray! Pertama-tama kita ng take tempatnya di Jatos tuu, di foodcourtnya, teruss, mesen dehh.. dan yang mesen di steak xxx-xxxx datengnya lamaaaaaaaaa banged! Lebih dari 1 jam kayaknya! Males banged mau mesen2 lagi kesanaaa.. Pas yang laen udah pada selese makan, nah, yang mesen steak itulah baru pada nyampe pesenannya! Dahsyat sekali kawan-kawann.. Selesai makan-makan, kita poto-poto gitu dehh,, emang sih, yang poto sebagian-sebagian, kan yang laen masi pada makan.. Pas semua dah selese makan, kita poto2 deh d luar Jatoss.. Pada gag pede gitu masa pas mau poto-poto di tangga! Kudu dimulain mulu! Tapi akhirnya jadi dehh poto di tangga setelah ngbuang rasa malu! Dann.. si Bahar rada2 sensi gitu yang pas poto2 diluar.. Haha.. Wads wrong?? Twink deh! Sekian dan Terima Kasih.. Kapan va...