Just playing a song.. Actually, I already had this song, but never playing it. But when I started to playing it.. Just, read the lyric.. Don't make me over Now that I'd do anything for you Don't make me over Now that you know how I adore you Don't pick on the things I say, the things I do Just love me with all my faults, that way that I love you I'm begging you Don't make me over Now that I can't make it without you Don't make me over I wouldn't change one thing about you Just take me inside your arms and hold me tight And always be by my side, if I am wrong or right I'm begging you Don't make me over Don't make me over Find more similar lyrics on http://mp3lyrics.com/zjV Now that you've got me at your command Accept me for what I am Accept me for the things that I do Accept me for what I am Accept me for the things that I do Now that I'd do anything for you Now that you know how I adore you Ju...