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Showing posts from April, 2012

Don't Make Me Over

Just playing a song.. Actually, I already had this song, but never playing it. But when I started to playing it.. Just, read the lyric.. Don't make me over Now that I'd do anything for you Don't make me over Now that you know how I adore you Don't pick on the things I say, the things I do Just love me with all my faults, that way that I love you I'm begging you Don't make me over Now that I can't make it without you Don't make me over I wouldn't change one thing about you Just take me inside your arms and hold me tight And always be by my side, if I am wrong or right I'm begging you Don't make me over Don't make me over Find more similar lyrics on Now that you've got me at your command Accept me for what I am Accept me for the things that I do Accept me for what I am Accept me for the things that I do Now that I'd do anything for you Now that you know how I adore you Ju...

Kelakuan Mahasiswa Jadul

i missed this very much :')

If Only (Movie Review by Amateur) Highly Recommended

He loved her like there was no tomorrow.. Some of the charms are old and some are new. That's a musical note, a violin. This one is a flower, what is no sense of matter at all, except it was exquisite much like yourself. Let's see... the train that we took today. And... that's the Eiffel Tower that you've always wanted to see. And... this frying pan, cause you are the only person that I know that can actually do the flipping thing. And... this one's a heart... my heart... it's yours now.   ~IanWyndham Baru aja selese nongtonin dvd pinjeman dari temen kosan gw yang judulnya 'If Only'. And what the hell! Pelem ini sukses bikin gw nangis bombay T_T .. so, here I'll tell you the story.. Starring pelem ini Jennifer Love Hewitt (Samantha) sama Paul Nicholls (Ian), mereka ceritanya pacaran, yang tinggal ditengah kota London. So, Ian ini adalah bisnisman yang sibuk, dan kadang ngelupain pacarnya. Sering ga ada waktu, dan lupa sama janji penting dalam hal ...