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Showing posts from April, 2011


Ga Puguh

and I saw perfection, couple, original, kiss, eye?? lol yeah, friendship.. Most of all this picts.. it means 'yeah, I hope I was.." some means 'I want like that..' but I can say I don't know.. Hell yeah.

Boys and Girls

I found this from some tumblr blog.. it's from Korany Two Different Perspective. Boy:   I saw her today.   Girl:   I saw him today.   Boy:   It seems like it's been forever.   Girl:   I wonder if he still cares.   Boy:   She looks better than ever.   Girl:   I couldn't stop staring at him.   Boy:   I asked how things are going.   Girl:   I asked about his new girlfriend.   Boy:   I'd pick her over any girl I'm with.   Girl:   He's probably really happy right now.   Boy:   I can't even look at her without crying.   Girl:   He couldn't even look at me.   Boy:   I told her I miss her.   Girl:   He didn't mean it.   Boy:   I meant it.   Girl:   He doesn't mean it.   Boy:   I love her.   Girl:   He loves his new girlfriend.   Boy:   I held her for the last time.   Girl:   He gave me a friendly hug. ...

Menggaul, MenJatos

Gosh, 2 hari belakangan gw menggaul di Jatos..  Yup, kemaren gw ngegaul ama Rahyang.. Ng-attack, ama nongton pelem "?".. Abis nongton pelem itu, otak kita jadi lebih kebuka buat hal2 diluar kebiasaan dan emang jarang kita temuin. Kalo baca referensinya sih, tema filmnya tentang pluralitas di Indonesia.. dengan paham pluralisme tentunya. Ada yang muslim, kristen, budha, dan chinese. Ada muslim radikal, muslim baek, keturunan cina jahat, keturunan cina baek, orang kristen jahat, dan orang kristen baeknya. Seru sih, banyak konflik batin para tokohnya soal agama dan keyakinan. Inspiring. Haha.. Ada Rio Dewanto nya! Gantengnya bikin klepek2! Haha.. Suerr.. *lebay gw! Pelemnya bagus kok. Tapi ya tetep.. Selalu ada orang2 yang kontra dan nge judge film itu jelek, bahkan diharamkan. NONGTON DULU AMPE ABIS BARU NGOMONG! hhaa.. Berasa ga etis aja koar2 tanpa ada latar belakangnya. Komennya cenderung ngasal dan ngawang2 ga ada landasan.. HEUP! STOP ngomongin itu! Kan gw mau ngomongin gw...


Yes, it's my first SIX :)) wish it will be long last.. till we SIXty,, even more, ninetySIX..  Thanks for this SIX honey.. and sorry for all my bad..  what I have with you now, more than just a relationship, it's a life..  iloveyou ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ P.S Gara2 kamu mojokin aku barusan, repisi udah sent ke teh win.. you hit me so hard!! hha anyway, thx u hun ^^

Yes, I'm Starting My Dietary Life

Haahh... Akhirnya! Kemaren, tepatnya tanggal 14 April, gw meneguhkan niat gw buat ikutan diet kyk temen gw iddaaaarrr! Saya iri sama berat badan dia yang udah terbang 6 kg! Apaaahh!! Dan akhirnya gw kemaren beli bahan2 buat gw diet! Makan malem gw: omelet oats.. *rasanya enak.. kyk makana baby. hha Sarapan tadi pagi : oats + susu Makan siang : oats + telor Snack sore : 1/2 apel Makan malem : (maapkan saya.. saya tadi makan mie) eitsss.. tapi tenang. gw makan pake telor, bumbunya dikit (tetep aja ga ada sayur.. -___- maklum lah ya. newbie.. hehe) Snack malem : apel dan pisang! hhaaa Ga tau dah gw besok menunya apa lagi.. tampak akan makan oats terus dari hari ke hari.. miskin gw!! hhaa tapi tak apa.. setelah barusan gw ngitung kadar lemak gw.. lemak gw 44% wtf!! Diet gila ini mah.. Tapi kalo proporsi tubuh gw sih katanya normal.. berarti.. gw kudu body shaping!! hha.. plis lah.. kalo lo pada bisa liat, gw TIDAK memiliki pinggang biola seperti wanita2 langsing itu! I'm ...

David 'Naif'

LOOK AT  THIS PICTS  CAREFULLY: just turned in to THIS: CAN YOU BELIEVE HIS TRANSFORMATION? Cakep geelaa eaah sii DVD Boy satu nie!! hhaa.. Ini semoga bisa jadi inspirasi untuk teman saya yang tidak perlu saya sebutkan namanya disini.. hhaa suksesss eaaah dietnyaaa!! TUH! si dipidi boy aja bisa kok! cemangka!1! *pake-gaya-caya-caya* Ngomongin si David jadi pengen nulisin sedikit lirik lagunya yang baru.. Judulnya Karena Kamu Cuma Satu.. denganmu semua air mata menjadi tawa suka ria akankah kau selalu ada menemani dalam suka duka denganmu aku bahagia, denganmu semua ceria janganlah kau berpaling dariku karena kamu cuma satu untukku kau satu-satunya dan tak ada dua apalagi tiga, cuma engkau saja ♥ lovE this!

We're Just Ordinary People

" Once upon a time, when the sky was covered with blue Once upon a time, when the sun was smiling too We're just common people with an ordinary look We're just common people with an ordinary love And once upon a time, when I fell in love with you   "

Ugly Doll

okay.. this is ugly dolls! im gonna get this one! hha we'll see..

This is it

it's sweet when someone knows every single detail about you.  Not because you constantly remind them, but because they pay attention. stolenonpevnnino'stumblr Ah... sweet... Stalking, stolen this quotes.. hehe.. thx btw..

Penyakit Anak Kosan!

Asam Lambung Berlebihan Terjadinya gastritis atau peradangan lambung, pada awalnya karena asam lambung yang berlebihan. Asam lambung yang semula membantu lambung malah merugikan lambung. Asam lambung akan merusak dinding lambung itu sendiri, karena sifat asam yang korosif (mengikis). Faktor yang memicu produksi asam lambung berlebihan, diantaranya beberapa zat kimia, seperti alcohol, umumnya obat penahan nyeri, asam cuka. Juga beberapa makanan dan minuman yang bersifat asam,, makanan dengan bumbu yang bersifat asam dan sebagainya. Makanan yang pedas serta bumbu yang merangsang, semisal jahe, merica, juga akan memicu produksi asam lambung. Faktor psikis atau kejiwaan seseorang bisa pula meningkatkan produksi asam lambung. Selain itu penyakit maag juga bisa disebabkan insfeksi bakteri tertentu, misalnya helicobacter pylori yang merupakan bakteri normal dalam lambung, yang dalam kondisi tertentu bisa menjadi abnormal. Yang akhirnya merangsang asam lambung. Gastritis juga bisa disebabkan a...
you!! yes you guys! can I have you??  I can't find you anywhere! where are you bear? yeah.. I'm desperately to find this cute bear! I'm searching to every place. but I didn't find bear like that! :(((

10 Things I Hate About You

I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it that you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.  --Ten Things I Hate About You" This is it! baru nemu quotes ko rese banget ya?  -______-

Butterflies in My Tummy

As always.. When I feel happy, sad, absurd, disappointed, or in love.. I always tell it with a song.. This time.. galausky feelin.. Damn its hurt.. Butterflies in My Tummy - MOCCA i have butterflies flying  around inside my tummy when i'm with you i hear bellchimes ringing  blown by wind of spring when i'm with you oh this tingling feeling makes me wanna jump makes me wanna shout  across the room oh this feeling of longing but damn it's so blinding i just can't tell if i feel happy or sad i heard blue birds  singing up around the tree when I'm with you i see rainbows appearing everywhere i go when i'm with you oh th...

Young Folks, peter, bjorn and john

And we don't care about the young folks.  T alkin' 'bout the young style. A nd we don't care about the old folks.  T alkin' 'bout the old style too. A nd we don't care about their own faults. T alkin' 'bout our own style. A ll we care 'bout is talking. Ta lking only me and you.   - Young Folks |peter, bjorn and john - If i told you things i did before told you how i used to be would you go along with someone like me  if you knew my story word for word had all of my history would you go along with someone like me  i did before and had my share it didn't lead nowhere i would go along with someone like you it doesn't matter what you did who you were hanging with  we could stick around and see this night through and we don't care about the young folks talkin' 'bout the young style  and we don't care about the old folks talkin' 'bout the old style too  and we don't care about their own faults t...