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Showing posts from March, 2011

Do Fun trip Trio Kwek Kwek

Kemaren, tanggal 29 Maret, gw, Caca, dan Gina jadi maen2 ke Dufan.. Harusnya sih rame2. tapi karena berbagai macam alasan dan kendala, jadilah dufan cuma jadi wacana buat mereka. But not for us. We make it. Hari sebelumnya, si ginong nginep dikosan kita biar berangkatnya bareng. Aje gila, disuruh ngumpul jam  6 lah dikampus D.U.. Berarti kan kudu berangkat subuh banget.. Akhirnya kita berangkat subuh jam 5.. Setelah bangun jam 4, mandi dan siap2. Suer.. Nangor airnya mejiklah! Dingin mampoos... -____- Kita berangkatnya naek angkot, soalnya bis kagak dateng2.. Curiga telat banget kalo naek bis. Akhirnya naek angkot ke Cileunyi, nyambung lagi yang ke Cicaheum, dan nyambung lagi yang ke D.U.. Sumpayaa.. angkot yang terakhir reseeee.. Ngetem mulu! Alhasil kesianganlah kita datengnya.. Kira-kira baru nyampe sekitar jam setengah 7. Dan orang2 ngelirik ga enak pas kita naik.. Haha.. RASAKAN!! Abis itu, ternyata kita bukan orang terakhir yang ditungguin, katanya masi ada dua orang lagi. L...

What Should I Say? I'm fallin again.. :')

Okay.. Again and again.. Another songs.. Just want to share with you guys..  This coming from Colbie Cailat - Magic .. Really love it.. I always play this song again and again everynight before I fall asleep..  Keeping a romantic side of me.. :D You've got magic inside your finger tips Its leaking out all over my skin Everytime that i get close to you Youre makin me weak with the way you   Look through those eyes And all i see is your face All i need is your touch Wake me up with your lips Come at me from up above Yeaaaa, oh i need you I remember the way that you move Your dancin easily through my dreams I ts hittin me harder and harder with all your smiles You are crazy gentle in the way you kiss All i see is your face All i need is your touch Wake me up with your lips Come at me from up above Oh baby i need you To see me, the way i see you Lovely, wide awake in The middle of my dreams And all i see is your face All i need is your tou...

Anak Gaol Bandung

2 hari ini gw jadi anak gaol Bandung (AGB).. Why?? karena eh karena, gw lagi pengen beli dress buat ke nikahan temen gw.. (as I wrote on last entry bout LBD, remember?) but unfortunately.. gw ga dapet LBD.. gw dapetnya grey dress.. Chiffon selutut ama scarfnya.. kinda cute! ntar gw poto deh. hhe Gw ama Caca muterin daerah Kalapa.. Mulai dari Yogya ampe King's. Tapi gw ga dapet apa yang gw mau. Tadinya mau lanjut Ciwalk, tapi berhubung gw ga tau jalan balik dari sana, di cancel aja dan cao ke BIP.. Sebelum ke BIP, kita makan di Hoka2 Bento.. Lo tauuu?? Pas gw makan katsu nyaa JRENG! gigi gw beradu dengan sejenis besi yang gw kira itu adalah staples raksasa! poto menyusul ye! Saat itu gw ga protes, karena emang ga nyakitin gigi gw, dan gw cuma beli pahee. Hehe.. emang sih, bisa aja gw komplen, males aja ah, ribet... Paling dapet gratisan.. blagu gini gw, najis. haha  Laluu.. Abis makan besi di hokben, gw cao ke BIP yang ada di sebrangnya doang.. Daan.. emang dapet disana.. Mayan mur...

Another Songs of My Day

I really love this song.. This is so ME.. You should watch the video.. I hate it.. haha.. The Script - For The First Time She's all laid up in bed with a broken heart While i'm drinking jack all alone in my local bar And we don't know how we got into this mad situation Only doing things out of frustration Trying to make it work but man these times are hard She needs me now but I can't seem to find a time I've git a new job now in the umemploymentline And we don't know we got into this mess it's a Gods test Someone hulp us cause we're doing our best ?? Trying to make it work but man these times are hard But we're gunna start by drinking old cheap bottles of wine Sit talking up all night Saying things we haven't for a while, a while yeah We're smiling but we're close to tears Even after all these years We just now got the feeling that we're meeting For the first time She's in line at the door with her head...

Fake Plastic Masked People

sometimes I just wanna cursing to people that I hate.. Saying many good words, but they are liars! what they say is not same with their attitude. they're fake ! f*ck off!

Woven and Braided

This is it... my favorite color for my wears....

Little Black Dress

yippiee... This is a very unimportant things that I just want to write it.. I really need a Little Black Dress! (LBD).. yeah.. I got a black rope stripe wedges.. (kinda look alike.., but mine is nicer.. with a zip in the middle.. :D) So.. I wanna buy an LBD.. to match it with my wedges.. like this.. kinda cute.. Haaa.. I want it! I want it!!

Gundah Gulandang

Since you said goodbye..  polka dots fill my eyes,  and I don't know why.. polka dots fill the skies, and I don't know why.. Yep.. Sepenggal lagu dari The Libertines ini jadi lagu yang masuk dalam playlist AIMP2 gw selama gw ngerjain script swee t ini.. Sebenernya liriknya sedih, tapi beat lagunya ga bikin lagu ini jadi sedih.. What a nice song's.. Ha... tulisan ga jelas ini juga merupakan salah satu pelampiasan dalam pembuatan script sweet gw.. Latar belakang dan tinjauan pustaka yang minim banget bikin otak gw muter-muter dan akhirnya kebakar kepanasan.. Haduh,, life never be sweeter.. I'm enjoying this.. Life as a last-semester-college-students.. Nice!