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Showing posts from February, 2011


Holahhh.. Me again. Nisca. Fuckyeah!! Really, what a bored nite. Currently doin my skripshit..? *what on english? Hm, here's the problem of a last semester student like me.. Everyday forced to do this thing.. Messed up my never-ever-end life.. It's all about Amorphophallus...   Suweg (Amorphophallus campanulatus Bl) ialah salah satu jenis Araceae yang berbatang semu, mempunyai satu daun tunggal yang terpecah-pecah dengan tangkai daun yang tegak yang keluar dari umbinya. Tangkainya belang hijau-putih, berbintil-bintil, panjangnya 50 – 150 cm. Perbungaanya, yang muncul setelah daun hilang dari permukaan tanah, terdiri atas tangkai bunga, seludang dan tongkol. Tangkai bunganya, yang tingginya 50 – 120 cm, berwarna hijau dengan noda-noda pucat. Tongkolnya berbau tidak enak, terdiri atas 3 bagian, yaitu bagian bawah bunga betina, bagian tengah bunga jantan dan bagian atas ialah bagian bunga yang mandul. Dikenal adanya 2 varitas, ialah A. Campanulatus var. Hortensis yang sudah d...


Yeah, 11.49 PM.. still in front my Toshi.. Wanna pour a lil upset on my mind. It's all about my cat.. it's oggy.. He mad at me when I took his car to my Exp.Field.. I drove it nicely and carefully, but he still mad.. Okay.. So, I was starting to mad too. Cursing. Hating.. he don't know what I'm feelin that day.. But.. So then he came and it just like nothing happened.. Okay.. I don't know. But I just feel that he'd rather nice to his friend than me..?  Okay..  then.. forget it. okay. I don't want to take it any further.. so, I just act that it never happened too. i am really willing to. I don't want to start the war. It was too childish. yes, I am. And now.. krik krik krik,, bla bla bla.. *yawn

Fantastic June - May

Yeah.. sore ini gw mau nyampah lagi.. Kali ini korban gw adalah salah satu Band Indie Bandung, yang punya nama 'Fantastic June'.. Anyway, I love that name.. 'june' sounds sexy. lol.. just like my birthday.. its june guys.. :) Digawangin ama vokalisnya, Ridwan Yuniardhika, dan suaranya juga seksiihhh.. :D (gw ampe searching dan add  fb nya!) lagi May, jadi single pertama mereka.. here the lyric.. i wake up in this morning with nobody's smile on my side a cup of coffee in my hands, on the right place or just on my dreams i get down to your land i get down to these games bring to me in this summer, that your eyes,  that keep spinning on my faith singing out loud our songs, and this emptiness will burn away lying pale in this morning with nobody's smile on my side close my eyes i was thinking and hope you can break all of my dreams And I fall in love with the sounds, the loops, and guitar..  ♥ dan entah gimana, gw susah lagi nyari lagu2 mereka.. tampak gw pengen...

I Want to Tell You

Ya ya.. lagi2 gw kali ini hanya bakalan nulisin lirik lagu yang lagi gw suka.. hihi.. Suka2 gw lah ya! Blog blog gw jg.. Hahahha.. This song come from fldpop.. I want to tell you.. the sunny sky looks good today a simple wish i hope you are there   ooh its you   this day i want to talk with you   and say the words i wrote to you   now is time i was looking at you   and i dont know what to do   all the words in my mind   i want to say to you   is fool   i fall in love with you   i fall in love with you the sunny sky looks good today and you are here to make it grey not again you came and say these stupid words that i dont want to hear from you now enough i just have to leave you now and i think this is goodbye i will never be with you   please let me go and gone   i'm not in love with you i'm not in love with you

Somewhere Only We Know

Hm.. this morning suddenly really want to play that song on my laptop.. From Keane.. I walked across an empty land I knew the pathway like the back of my hand I felt the earth beneath my feet Sat by the river and it made me complete Oh simple thing where have you gone I'm getting old and I need something to rely on So tell me when you're gonna let me in I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin I came across a fallen tree I felt the branches of it looking at me Is this the place we used to love? Is this the place that I've been dreaming of? Oh simple thing where have you gone I'm getting old and I need something to rely on So tell me when you're gonna let me in I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin And if you have a minute why don't we go Talk about it somewhere only we know? This could be the end of everything So why don't we go Somewhere only we know? Oh simple thing where have you gone I'm gettin...

Fieldtip Demak - Kudus - Bali - Jogja

Hiii.... Tadi pagi gw baru aja nyampe kosan setelah semingguan ini berkeliling pulau Jawa - Bali.. AMAZING! Kaki dan badan gw pegel gilaakkk... Tidur di atas kasur cuma 2 malem, dan sisanya di bis! wtf... But,, gw ga nyesel, karena fieldtrip kemaren asli asik bangeeetttt..! \m/ Here I tell you some... Demak.. Demak adalah tujuan pertama fieldtrip, berangkat dari Bandung jam 8 malem, nyampe sana sekitar jam 6-7 pagi.. Kita cuma ke Mesjid Agung Demak buat mandi doang! wtf! Udah deh, poto2. makan, balik ke bis lanjut ke Kudus.. Kudus.. Di Kudus, kita ke PT. Djarum. Salah satu perusahaan rokok terbesar milik anak negeri,, yang empunya Bapak Budi Hartono, sekaligus pemilik brand Polytron. Disana kita disambut poll bangett.. Tour guide nya ramah dan baik banget, kita diajakin keliling pabrik dan proses packagingnya.. CANGGIH!! Made in Germany gitulooohh... Makan siangnnya yahudddd.. enak, presentasi disuguhin kopi ama teh layaknya seminar.. Ck, ga nyesel deh..  Abis dari PT. Dj...