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Showing posts from January, 2011

Antena Kosan

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MOCCA  LUCKY ME don't wanna live without your love without your smile 'cause i know i love you *courtesy of you will always stay when i call you though i know you're not feeling well even in  the dark , in rainy night you always stay to walk me by i'm so lucky to have you so  happy to  love you don't wanna live without your love without your smile and i know i love you you will always stay when i call you though i know you're not feeling well even in the dark, in rainy night you always stay to walk me by i'm so...


Actually, udah beberapa minggu ini (2bulan kali yaah..) gw ga balik2 ke rumah. Simple. I don't know where my home is? a song for someone who needs somewhere to long for... Homesick. Cause I no longer know where home is.. Pas banget lagunya buat gw.. Kings of Convinience, Homesick. Some people know why I'm not coming home, and some don't.. Just don't want to tell anybody.. Gw berencana balik hari kamis ini (27/1), dan tujuan gw balik juga buat cabut, nambal, dan bersiin gigi.. heheh.. anak macam apaaaa gw ini?? Yaa., selain itu gw mau temu kangen ama bonyok dan adek2 gw yang kabarnya makin kabur sekarang.. :hammer hhee.. Penelitian gw sedang berlangsung.. Dan sangat melelahkan.. Semoga aja gw bisa ngelewatin semuanya guys. Doakan gw..

Katy Perry Glasses!

Daradammm... Hui huii! I'm so soo jealous with her glasses! I want it!! Rawrrr!! really want this one!! that was grool!

Teenage Dream - Don't Ever Look Back!

You make me Feel like I'm living a Teenage Dream The way you turn me on I can't sleep Let's runaway And don't ever look back Don't ever look back Teenage Dream - Katy Perry Yep, sepenggal lagu diatas lagi seneng2nya gw puter di playlist gw. Gw makin suka setelah liat videoklipnya. Asik aja liat mukanya dia, cowoknya jg cool. hhee.. yang pasti sih emang lagunya asik didengerin. Kata2nya pas ama gw..  Lagian dari judulnya "teenage dream", it was so teenage. Dan yang ada di dalam otak gw saat gw denger judulnya adalah angan2 pas kita masi imut2nya dan tanpa jerawat serta rambut rontok.. Apa aja yang dulu waktu kita smp-sma bayangin.. and it turns to reality when we grew up now.. Tapi yang ada di kepala katy perry ya beda ama yang ada di kepala gw.. Hhe.. I wish i'm not growing up. I wish I always be a teenage. ga banyak mikir ini itu, ga banyak masalah, just having fun! dan diselingi sedikit belajar.. :hammer (bakalan kyk apa indonesia kalo remajanya m...

Sick and Tired

Sick and Tired - The Cardigans sick, tired and homeless with no one here to sing for tired of being weightless for all these looking good boys you can always say my attic has its charm you can always say you did no major harm you can always say that summer had its charm and that you did no major harm oh, spare me if you please sick, tired an sleepless with no one else to shine for sick of all my distress but I won't show I'm still poor you can always say my attic has its charm you can always say you did no major harm you can always say that summer had its charm and that you did no major harm oh, spare me if you please symptoms are so deep something here's so wrong nothing is complete  nowhere to belong symptoms are so deep I think I'd better stay here on my own so spare me if you please

Who'd Have Known

Lily Allen - Who'd Have Known It's 5 o clock in the morning, Conversation got boring, You said you're going to bed soon, So I snuck off to your bedroom, And I thought I'd just wait there, Until I heard you come up the stairs, And I pretended I was sleeping, And I was hoping you would creep in with me. You put your arm around my shoulder, It was as if the room got colder, And we moved closer in together, And started talking about the weather, You said tomorrow would be fun, And we could watch A Place In The Sun, I didn't know where this was going, When you kissed me. Are you mine? Are you mine? Cos I stay here all the time, Watching telly, Drinking wine, Who'd of known, Who'd of known, When you flash up on my phone, I no longer feel alone, No longer feel alone. I haven't left you for days now, And I'm becoming amazed how, Your quite affectionate in public, In fact your friend said it made her feel sick, And even though it's moving forward,...

@fero's Place = Hell!

I just came back from my fella's place. Yeah, call her Pero! She really messed up, and feel so desperate. So, I came to her place to acompany..  Hari itu gw dateng di sore hari, dan langsung mendapat perlakuan tidak senonoh dari yang empunya kosan.. Gw tidur kgk pake selimut! dan kamar dia awut2an bagaikan kandang! Can you imagine that?? Dan, sayang sekali gw ga poto tu kamar busuk, buat gw pampang sebagai barang bukti di blog gw.. Hm. At the night, we went to LotteMart, because there were so bored! No hangout places, just the Lotte's. And here we are, ate in d'cost. It was just like a seafood resto. With a nice service, and price. But not with the size.. lol. Karena kagak kenyang, akhirnya gw beli lagi breadtalk,, roti keju, kopi, dan coklat, sama blueberry cheese.. haa. mantafff.. Here some pics of us.. me, d'cost me. again. :) FERONIKA! yeah, she's fat! LOL act like a manequin temen menggila gw, Pesenan gw yang porsinya mini *menurut gw ...

Curhattt 2011

Oke oke okee.. hm, kali ini gw hanya akan sedikit menceritakan kesuraman taun baruan gw di 2011 ini *sedikit? yakin sedikit lw nyoz? hha Satu... Saat itu adalah hari yang cerah dimana gw seharusnya membeli sebuah gameboy di Bandung, namun naas, nasip belum mihak ama gw, so gw belum dapetin tu game boy dan dibeli ama temen gw..  Dua,, seharian itu gw bersama Irham dan Hakim jalan2 muterin Bandung (ga muterin jg sih, intinya jalan lah yaa) buat nyari kabinet plastik buat gw untuk nyimpen baju gw yang udah segabrek2 cuma gw tumpuk di kursi.. (kabinet yang 1 udah ga muat apa2 lagi.. :(( Ke kerfur, ama borma juga.. Namun harga yang tidak bersahabat bikin gw cancel aja tu kabinet, pasalnya, kabinet gw yang dulu aja gw beli murah banget gitulooh.. so, harga itu udah jadi patokan gw biar ga beli yang jauh banget harganya dari itu, *gw lagi miskin.. :( Terus kita juga sempet main kerumah yangti, ama rumah Hakim.. Tiga.. Saat beranjak dari rumahnya Hakim., kita memutuskan buat balik aja ke n...