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Showing posts from November, 2010

Nongton Harpot ke 7

OMAIGAT! kaget rasanya pas dapet ym dari saudari atilay *tika alay bahwa pelem harry potter yang ke 7 udah ada di Jatos! Tumben gitu loh! dul aja gw nunggu eclipse kudu berbulan2 lamanya, hingga akhirnya gw memutuskan nonton ke Bandung aja! Hari Jumat ceria kemaren dosen filsafat gw kagak masuk, lalu gw ama temen ndut gw si caca meluncur buat beli tiketnya. dan ternyataa.. jam 11 pagi udah terbentuk antrean yang lumayan panjang didepan pintu kaca 21! Heloooo.. padahal kan bukanya jam 11.30.. akhirnya dengan sangat terpaksa, gw ama c ndut ikutan antre... wtf.. hhaa. Gw ngantri di gate yang kanan, dan ternyata gate yang bakal dibuka sebelah kiri, yaudin, gw ngantrilah disana, dan baru aja nyampe, pintunya udah dibuka. Lari-lari lah gw ke tempat bayarnya, masuk 21nya udah kyk rebutan daging kurban! Idihhh. ogah lagi lah.. Pas lagi ngantri beli tiket... Gw ada di line ke 5 lah kira2. tapi tu antrean ga maju2! Dan ternyataaa.. banyak temen2nya yang lagi ngantre di depan pada nitip beliinlah...

Just The Way You Are

Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are Oh her eyes, her eyes Make the stars look like they're not shining Her hair, her hair Falls perfectly without her trying She's so beautiful And I tell her every day Yeah I know, I know When I compliment her She wont believe me And its so, its so Sad to think she don't see what I see But every time she asks me do I look okay I say When I see your face There's not a thing that I would change Cause you're amazing Just the way you are And when you smile, The whole world stops and stares for awhile Cause girl you're amazing Just the way you are Her nails, her nails I could kiss them all day if she'd let me Her laugh, her laugh She hates but I think its so sexy She's so beautiful And I tell her every day Oh you know, you know, you know Id never ask you to change If perfect is what you're searching for Then just stay the same So don't even bother asking If you look okay You know I say When I see your face The...

Another Indie Pop

Halooo haloo bloggers. Edisi entry kali ini, gw lagi pengen menceritakan indie pop lainnya. Kali ini, gw mau ngebahas The Monophones, Santamonica, sama Camera Obscura.. Here we go.  Firstly, we talk bout The Monophones . Oke, The Monophones lahir di pertengahan taun 2003, gw aja taunya baru pas taun 2007 loh! Genre musiknya sendiri gw rasa lebih ke pop retro, jadul2 gitu. Tapi aslinya lagunya jadi keren banget. Beda sama band2 Indonesia pada umumnya. (Melayu.. *ouch!) Kekerenan lagunya bisa didenger di lagunya yang judulnya Rain Falls Down, ama Teardrops. Suaranya keren banget, dan tentu aja harmoni musiknya pas banget. \m/ Pertama gw denger yang Teardrops.. Beuh, hati mendadak jadi adem! Hha.. Dan yang pasti, ni musik berasa berasal dari jaman pertengahan! Alias taun 70an.. Ya, namanya juga retro,, sebenernya awalnya gw ga pernah menggolongkan mereka kedalem genre ini, tapi emang kalo didenger2, emang retro banget! Sukaaaa..  " teardrops open my eyes.." "ooh, I feel so...


Haii thereee...! Hm, I really excited to write this entry! Hha.. Guys, I got my Scholarship! Huhuuyyy!! \(n_n)/ Really thanks to them, my friends, and my campus of course. Hm.. Like a dream. I thought I couldn't make it! But I did it! I dont know how, but suddenly SBK called me and ta da! I got it! :)) So now, if it's true, I have to administer my bank account. Can't wait till the money's up! Hhaaaaa anyway anyway anyway.. wish me luck, key! ;)

My Love Today

If I tell you I love you, can I keep you forever? -casper-  Hey heyy thereeee.. Hm. really missed to write something here, especially to pour what i'm feelin, what was happened.. I just want to write it down here.. Okay, we begin with my life now..  I've found someone. He's someone special in my life, he's my bestfriend who became my boyfriend. Hhe.. I'ts cliche. I know. Hhaa .. But it's true, sometimes you just can't see that theres a man who love you, and you just look so far.. but the real is, he's so close to you! Yeah, for me, I was so surprised to, it's like unbelievable. Me and my bestfriend became a lovers? O M G ! It's fun.. lil weird. I guess.. hhaa Then, my life has changes now.. I don't know how it feels, (the effect of the new couple, I still feel tacky.. hhee) it's feels like you walk above the rainbow.. Happy all the time,. glimpse of heaven. (im lebay, ok, i know. haha) I want to write about him.. Okay, his name is Oggy,,...