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Showing posts from 2010

end of 2010 - Resolutions

It's just 23 hours to 2011.. this morning, is my last time to write my experiences and talk anything in 2010.. Tonite's new year's eve dude! I've to spent my last time to make a junk here.. :) First, about resolutions, there is one wish that wasn't came true this year, and it was about my family.. you know.. hmm.. and, about the other resolutions, I really happy that my other wishes came true this year, thank Lord.. :* # my GPA.. it was increased.. # my study.. im doing my research right now! :) # my scholar.. came true! (even it was killin me with the mount per month!) # my friendship.. I think I'm okay with the others # my money... still the same.. LOL # my honey.. umm.. yippie kay yippie yay yee.. hhha play hard-work hard-pray hard! and.... what is my next resolutions in 2011?  still the same I guess,, but.. 1. Graduate on November 2011, (amin..) 2. GPA >3.00 (amiin..) 3. Being thinner,, diet,, face beautify (even its gonna be very hard, lol) (amiin..) 4....

Mother, an Angel..

A baby asked God,  "They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?" "Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you." The child further inquired, "But tell me, here in heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy." God said, "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy." Again the child asked, "And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language?" God said, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak." "And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?" God said,  "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray." "Who will protec...

Just Tryin to be Tough

Hey dad look at me Think back and talk to me Did I grow up according to plan? Do you think I'm wasting my time doing things I wanna do? 'Cuz it hurst when you disapprove all doing And now I try hard to make it I just want to make you proud I'm never gonna be good enough for you I can't pretend that I'm alright And you can't change me 'Cuz we lost it all Nothing lasts forever I'm sorry I can't be perfect Now it's just too late and We can't go back I'm sorry I can't be perfect I try not to think About the pain I feel inside Did you know you used to be my hero? All the days you spend with me Now seem so far away And it feels like you don't care anymore And now I try hard to make it I just want to make you proud I'm never gonna be good enough for you I can't stand another fight And nothing's alright 'Cuz we lost it all Nothing lasts forever I'm sorry I can't be perfect Now ...

Kiss, Cry, and Dream

Today, don't know why I feel so .. umm.. so unspoken. :D  I just found a quotes said like this " the best things in life are unseen thats why we close our eyes when we kiss cry and dream ." sounds good, isn't it? And I was thinkin.. Well, she's right! LOL do you ever open your eyes when you were dreaming? kissing? or crying? Maybe sometimes yes, but most we always close our eyes.  watch this.. kiss dream and cry (actually, I like this picture, but she doesn't close her eyes. soo.. )

My Research

Hmm. semester 7 yang diidam2kan lagi gw jalanin.. dan ga segampang yang gw bayangin! Haa! Sial, selain banyak matkul yang harus diambil, ditambah semester ini gw penelitian.. Do you guys ever heard bout "SUWEG"?? anyone? Itulah penelitian gw, yang judulnya kira2... "Keragaman Genus Suweg (Amorphopalus) asal Jawa Barat dan Sumatera Barat berdasarkan Karakter Morfologi Vegetatif" panjaang kan, dan tentungyaa gw harus mengamati pertumbuhan si Suweg yang super cepet ini sebelum dia dormansi selama 4 bulan, dan kalo gw ga rebutan ama waktu, si suweg ga bisa diamati, yang artinya penelitian gw juga ditunda ampe dia tumbuh lagiii.. which mean makin lama ajaa gw lulusss.. :((( dan pastinya, gw amat sangat capeeeek.. 4 hari sekali gw kudu ke lahan yang jauhnya naujubilee dan kagak ada angkoooot.. serem pula lewatin utan2 gitu, arrrgh., -______- semua gara2 gedung rektoraaat! Jalan ke lahan yang deket jadi harus muter lewat utan gara2 tu rektorat lagi dibangunn! Damn,,, tapii...

Nongton Harpot ke 7

OMAIGAT! kaget rasanya pas dapet ym dari saudari atilay *tika alay bahwa pelem harry potter yang ke 7 udah ada di Jatos! Tumben gitu loh! dul aja gw nunggu eclipse kudu berbulan2 lamanya, hingga akhirnya gw memutuskan nonton ke Bandung aja! Hari Jumat ceria kemaren dosen filsafat gw kagak masuk, lalu gw ama temen ndut gw si caca meluncur buat beli tiketnya. dan ternyataa.. jam 11 pagi udah terbentuk antrean yang lumayan panjang didepan pintu kaca 21! Heloooo.. padahal kan bukanya jam 11.30.. akhirnya dengan sangat terpaksa, gw ama c ndut ikutan antre... wtf.. hhaa. Gw ngantri di gate yang kanan, dan ternyata gate yang bakal dibuka sebelah kiri, yaudin, gw ngantrilah disana, dan baru aja nyampe, pintunya udah dibuka. Lari-lari lah gw ke tempat bayarnya, masuk 21nya udah kyk rebutan daging kurban! Idihhh. ogah lagi lah.. Pas lagi ngantri beli tiket... Gw ada di line ke 5 lah kira2. tapi tu antrean ga maju2! Dan ternyataaa.. banyak temen2nya yang lagi ngantre di depan pada nitip beliinlah...

Just The Way You Are

Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are Oh her eyes, her eyes Make the stars look like they're not shining Her hair, her hair Falls perfectly without her trying She's so beautiful And I tell her every day Yeah I know, I know When I compliment her She wont believe me And its so, its so Sad to think she don't see what I see But every time she asks me do I look okay I say When I see your face There's not a thing that I would change Cause you're amazing Just the way you are And when you smile, The whole world stops and stares for awhile Cause girl you're amazing Just the way you are Her nails, her nails I could kiss them all day if she'd let me Her laugh, her laugh She hates but I think its so sexy She's so beautiful And I tell her every day Oh you know, you know, you know Id never ask you to change If perfect is what you're searching for Then just stay the same So don't even bother asking If you look okay You know I say When I see your face The...

Another Indie Pop

Halooo haloo bloggers. Edisi entry kali ini, gw lagi pengen menceritakan indie pop lainnya. Kali ini, gw mau ngebahas The Monophones, Santamonica, sama Camera Obscura.. Here we go.  Firstly, we talk bout The Monophones . Oke, The Monophones lahir di pertengahan taun 2003, gw aja taunya baru pas taun 2007 loh! Genre musiknya sendiri gw rasa lebih ke pop retro, jadul2 gitu. Tapi aslinya lagunya jadi keren banget. Beda sama band2 Indonesia pada umumnya. (Melayu.. *ouch!) Kekerenan lagunya bisa didenger di lagunya yang judulnya Rain Falls Down, ama Teardrops. Suaranya keren banget, dan tentu aja harmoni musiknya pas banget. \m/ Pertama gw denger yang Teardrops.. Beuh, hati mendadak jadi adem! Hha.. Dan yang pasti, ni musik berasa berasal dari jaman pertengahan! Alias taun 70an.. Ya, namanya juga retro,, sebenernya awalnya gw ga pernah menggolongkan mereka kedalem genre ini, tapi emang kalo didenger2, emang retro banget! Sukaaaa..  " teardrops open my eyes.." "ooh, I feel so...


Haii thereee...! Hm, I really excited to write this entry! Hha.. Guys, I got my Scholarship! Huhuuyyy!! \(n_n)/ Really thanks to them, my friends, and my campus of course. Hm.. Like a dream. I thought I couldn't make it! But I did it! I dont know how, but suddenly SBK called me and ta da! I got it! :)) So now, if it's true, I have to administer my bank account. Can't wait till the money's up! Hhaaaaa anyway anyway anyway.. wish me luck, key! ;)

My Love Today

If I tell you I love you, can I keep you forever? -casper-  Hey heyy thereeee.. Hm. really missed to write something here, especially to pour what i'm feelin, what was happened.. I just want to write it down here.. Okay, we begin with my life now..  I've found someone. He's someone special in my life, he's my bestfriend who became my boyfriend. Hhe.. I'ts cliche. I know. Hhaa .. But it's true, sometimes you just can't see that theres a man who love you, and you just look so far.. but the real is, he's so close to you! Yeah, for me, I was so surprised to, it's like unbelievable. Me and my bestfriend became a lovers? O M G ! It's fun.. lil weird. I guess.. hhaa Then, my life has changes now.. I don't know how it feels, (the effect of the new couple, I still feel tacky.. hhee) it's feels like you walk above the rainbow.. Happy all the time,. glimpse of heaven. (im lebay, ok, i know. haha) I want to write about him.. Okay, his name is Oggy,,...

Indie-Pop Music

Haa.. udah lama banget gw ga posting tentang sesuatu yang rada berat. hha.. biasanya kan cuma curhatan gw doang.. Kali in gw mau review (baca: ngobrolin) indie pop Indonesia kita tercinta ini.. Disini ada 2 band yang mau gw ulas.. Here we go 1. The Trees and The Wild Pas pertama kali gw denger lagunya di youtube. 1 kata : KEREN! Gw denger yang Irish Girl   padahal mereka ngrekam dengan kualitas yang jelek (maksud gw kamera, mic, ama soundnya) tapi udah keren banget! Kebayang direkam beneran (pro maksud gw. hhe) Anggota TTATW, ada Andra, Iga, dan Remedy. Ga tau kenapa, gw ga pernah tau lebih lanjut tentang profil mereka sendiri. Jadi gw cuma menikmati musiknya. Bukan orang yang bikin musiknya. Haa aneh sih, tapi ya mau gimana.. Satu lagi, gw belum liat official videonya, tapi kalo mp3 nya suaranya udah oke. Lagian mereka udah buat albumnya. Album pertamanya ini dikasih titel Rasuk. Udah ada di toko2 cd ko. Kalo gw harus ngedeskripsiinnya lagi, gw susah kayaknya,hha (review mace...


Never say you are happy when you are sad, never say you are fine when you are not okay, never say you feel good when you feel bad, and never say you are alone when I'm still alive -nn-  

it's a joke!!

Morning fellas. I write this entry right on 2.16 AM. I can't sleeeeppp! I just make my room work. I've done with my dishes, dirty clothes, and swept my floor. Hm.. Tired. Anyway, long time no see, huh? I'm sorry coz im busy lately. This is my 3rd Ramadhan on Nangor. I think this time are the worst ever. I never pray tarawih on mosque! God.. Im gonna regret for this. This is terrible, and im just lying on my room doing nothing! Hh.. forget that. Today im going home. As usual. Suck. My daddy will pick me at noon. but maybe late. gosh., I can't imagine my lebaran in Garut. I hate this. maybe you don't know what I mean here. i just can't tell you.. Overall.. this month is suck! (not for ramadhan, but for my daily..) everything went wrong, and it all under control. I wish I were not here.. I wish I have a better life.. I have to fix my messed!


Quotes yang pernah jadi status gw di fb,, dan sedikit curhatan gw.. whehehehe here we go, Persahabatan diwarnai dengan berbagai pengalaman suka dan duka, dihibur-disakiti, diperhatikan-dikecewakan, didengar-diabaikan, dibantu-ditolak, namun semua ini tidak pernah sengaja dilakukan dengan tujuan kebencian.  A memory lasts forever. Never does it die. True friends stay together. And never say goodbye. Our laughs are limitless, our memories are countless, and our friendship is endless.. gagagagg.. I'm speechless..  There are three types of friends: those like food, without which you can't live; those like medicine, which you need occasionally; and those like an illness, which you never want. A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow. Life perfect. Ain't perfect. If you don't know what the struggle's for. Falling down. Ain't falling down. If you don't cry ...

New Moon

Hadohh.. ga kerasa sekarang udah tanggal 1 Juli!! dan artinya besok gw udah harus berangkat KKN ke Cirebon.. and you know whaaaattt.. gw kebagian rumah yang ga ada kasurnya,, aernya nimba,, dan make kompor beleduk alias kayu bakar!! WTF,, dan gw bakalan idup sebulan di rumah itu.. kalo kata temen gw c,, itung2 ikutan reality show "bila aku menjadi.." akakakakkk.. Tapi nasi udah jadi eek.. Apa boleh buat,, gw harus menerima kenyataan yang menyakitkan ini.. -____- *LEBAY! kwwkwkkw Gw udah packing dari kemaren,, dengan menggunakan tas rentalan dari saudari Anissa Damayanti,, tas yang cukup besar ini menampung 10 kaos maen, 4 pasang baju tidur, 3 celana jeans, jaket dan almamater, handuk, 2 bungkus tissue, dan barang2 laen yang bakal gw PAKSAin masuk tas.. Hoho.. ditambah lagi peralatan mandi, make up, dan lain2 yang bakalan gw masukkin ke tas baru gw yang baru gw beli karena diskon 50%! Tas dengan merk REEB*K jadi murah pisaannnn.. ahhaha,, dan gw tak ingin melepaskan kesempatan...


Oh my God... hari ini gw merasa menjadi orang yang sangat beruntung,, dimulai ketika gw menyadari bahwa banyak sekali orang2 disamping gw yang care ama gw..Mau membantu dan memudahkan urusan gw,, menghibur gw saat gw sedih,, mengingatkan gw disaat gw melakukan kesalahan, dan mensupport gw untuk melakukan hal hal yang gw inginkan.. Betapa bodohnya jika gw sampai menyianyiakan kalian, karena mungkin nanti gw ga bisa bertemu lagi dengan orang2 seperti lo semua.. Gw sayang kalian!!! Mungkin bahasa gw terlihat sangat sederhana.. karena gw hanya ingin menyampaikan maksud gw secara langsung.. atau mungkin memang karena gw gak bisa dan gak bakat melukiskan bagaimana kata2 yang tepat buat lo semua.. it's just unbelievable...


toycam/lomo pesenan guweeeee.. ahahha.. mana dikasih jelly lens segala,, mantafff... enak ga enak jadi reselller.. ehehhehe

Dashboard Confessional

Dari semua albumnya ini,, gw cuma punya yang : A mark, a mission, and a scar, Dusk and Summer, ama  The Places You've Come To Fear The Most Album , ama album kemaren yang Belle of the Boulevard,, dan semuanya hasil download.. hehheheh.. But, I love this band anyway.... Dan sayangnya gw ga bisa nonton mereka konser di Indonesia, I wish I could!!

Letter from Israeli

Guys.. This is a letter from the soldier of Israel (IDF) who was slept on Palestinian house... Read carefully... Hello, While the world watches the ruins in Gaza, you return to your home which remains standing. However, I am sure that it is clear to you that someone was in your home while you were away.I am that someone. I spent long hours imagining how you would react when you walked into your home. How you would feel when you understood that IDF soldiers had slept on your mattresses and used your blankets to keep warm. I knew that it would make you angry and sad and that you would feel this violation of the most intimate areas of your life by those defined as your enemies, with stinging humiliation. I am convinced that you hate me with unbridled hatred, and you do not have even the tiniest desire to hear what I have to say. At the same time, it is important for me to say the following in the hope that there is even the minutest chance that you will hear me. I spent many days in your...

Letter from Gaza

This is the innocent boy which the parent was killed by the IsraHellian zionist... This is.. A Letter from Gaza I wonder how the people in the different countries imagine the Palestinian who lives under this severe siege imposed by one of the most powerful armies in the world. In the following lines, I am not going to exaggerate or write a fiction story. I am going to tell a part of my life in this specific time period as an example of the Palestinian who lives in a camp for the second generation, missing the conditions for the human being’s life that are wanted by every person, and how I am now living under the terror of nightly shelling and the “closure” that is now so strong it must be called “siege” like in the Middle Ages. I am Palestinian, and I live in the western camp that is next to Khan Yunis city, in the southern Gaza Strip. My house is located 250 meters from the junction of the main camp road and the road for the Israeli settlement of Neveh Dakalem. This junction is k...

Cerita Basi yang Nancep Banget

Sebenernya ni cerita udah banyak banget kesebar di macem2 blog ama forum di negeri Indonesia kita tercinta ini,, tapi gatau kenapa, gw pengen aja nge repsol in ini disini.. Pertama kali gw baca ini di kaskus.. terus nemu lagi di beberapa blog yang ga sengaja gw buka.. hehe.. Menurut gw ceritanya rada LEBAY.. tapi moga aja jadi sadar ya, kalo yang baca.. Here we go.. Peter dan Tina Peter dan Tina sedang duduk bersama di taman kampus tanpa melakukan apapun, hanya memandang langit sementara sahabat-sahabat mereka sedang asik bercanda ria dengan kekasih mereka masing-masing. Tina: "Duh bosen banget. Aku harap aku juga punya pacar yang bisa berbagi waktu denganku." Peter: "Kayaknya cuma tinggal kita berdua deh yang jomblo. Cuma kita berdua saja yang tidak punya pasangan sekarang." (keduanya mengeluh dan berdiam beberapa saat) Tina: "Kayaknya aku ada ide bagus deh. Kita adakan permainan yuk?" Peter: "Eh? Perma...

John Mayer, I like him..

Gosh,, lagi dengerin lagunya John Mayer yang Slow Dancing in the Burning Room.. jadi pengen nulisin soal dia. abisan suaranya ama orangnya sekseh.. haha,, Here we go.. John Clayton Mayer  born October 16, 1977) is an American musician. Raised in  Bridgeport, Connecticut , he attended  Berklee College of Music  in  Boston  before moving to  Atlanta , Georgia in 1997, where he refined his skills and gained a following. His first two studio albums, ' Room for Squares  and  Heavier Things ' , did well commercially, achieving  multi-platinum  status. In 2003, he won a Best Male Pop Vocal Performance   Grammy Award  for " Your Body Is a Wonderland ". Mayer's career pursuits have extended to stand-up comedy, design, and writing; he has written pieces for magazines, most notably for Esquire . He is also involved in philanthropic activities through his "Back to You" fund. Several high-profile romantic relationships and his in...